Journal of Geodesy and Geoinformation Science ›› 2020, Vol. 3 ›› Issue (4): 25-40.doi: 10.11947/j.JGGS.2020.0403
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Xiaochun ZHAI1,2(),Songhua WU1,3(
),Bingyi LIU1,3,Jiaping YIN4,Hongwei ZHANG1
Songhua WU;
About author:
Xiaochun ZHAI (1992—), female, majors in atmospheric dynamics and turbulence.E-mail: Supported by:
Xiaochun ZHAI,Songhua WU,Bingyi LIU,Jiaping YIN,Hongwei ZHANG. Observation of Stable Marine Boundary Layer by Shipborne Coherent Doppler Lidar and Radiosonde over Yellow Sea[J]. Journal of Geodesy and Geoinformation Science, 2020, 3(4): 25-40.
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(a) Sensible heat flux (W/m2) and (b) latent heat flux (W/m2) at corresponding voyage locations obtained from NCEP, the lidar observation period is marked with red squares (c) sea surface temperature (SST) obtained from ship equipment observation and surface air temperature (SAT) at the height of about 4m obtained from radiosonde dataset on 9 May 2014"
(a) Sensible heat flux (W/m2) and (b) latent heat flux (W/m2) at corresponding voyage locations obtained from NCEP, the lidar observation period is marked with red squares (c) sea surface temperature (SST) obtained from ship equipment observation and surface air temperature (SAT) at the height of about 4m obtained from radiosonde dataset on 9 May 2014"
Radiosonde profiles of potential temperature (K, black line) and relative humidity (%, blue line) for (a) 08:05, (b) 10:18 and (c) 12:04 LST 9 May 2014 at corresponding voyage location, respectively, and the horizontal red lines are the SBL heights derived from the potential temperature characterization"
Radiosonde profiles of potential temperature (K, black line) and relative humidity (%, blue line) for (a) 08:05, (b) 10:18 and (c) 12:04 LST 9 May 2014 at corresponding voyage location, respectively, and the horizontal red lines are the SBL heights derived from the potential temperature characterization"
Profiles of vertical wind shear (s-1, blue line) and Richardson number (black line) for (a) 08:05, (b) 10:18, (c) 12:04 LST 9 May 2014 at corresponding voyage location, respectively, and the horizontal red lines are the MABL height derived from potential temperature profile characterization, the vertical black solid lines and dot lines represent RB=0, RB=0.25, RB=1, respectively"
Profiles of vertical wind shear (s-1, blue line) and Richardson number (black line) for (a) 08:05, (b) 10:18, (c) 12:04 LST 9 May 2014 at corresponding voyage location, respectively, and the horizontal red lines are the MABL height derived from potential temperature profile characterization, the vertical black solid lines and dot lines represent RB=0, RB=0.25, RB=1, respectively"
(a) Time-height-intensity of SNR and MABL height using SNR gradient method (red solid circle) and radiosonde potential temperature (black solid circle), (b) corresponding vertical velocity data, (c) corresponding vertical velocity variance data and MABL height using vertical velocity variance gradient method (red solid triangle)"
(a) Time-height-intensity of SNR and MABL height using SNR gradient method (red solid circle) and radiosonde potential temperature (black solid circle), (b) corresponding vertical velocity data, (c) corresponding vertical velocity variance data and MABL height using vertical velocity variance gradient method (red solid triangle)"
Backward trajectories ending at 23:00 LST 9 May 2014 at (a) 200m (red line), 600m (blue line), 1000m (green line), (b) 1200m (red line), 1600m (blue line), 2000m (green line), (c) 2200m (red line), 2600m (blue line), 3000m (green line), (d) 3200m (red line), 3600m (blue line), 4000m (green line) at observation location (36.71°N, 123.11°E) simulated by the HYSPLIT model"
Backward trajectories ending at 23:00 LST 9 May 2014 at (a) 200m (red line), 600m (blue line), 1000m (green line), (b) 1200m (red line), 1600m (blue line), 2000m (green line), (c) 2200m (red line), 2600m (blue line), 3000m (green line), (d) 3200m (red line), 3600m (blue line), 4000m (green line) at observation location (36.71°N, 123.11°E) simulated by the HYSPLIT model"
Profiles of vertical velocity variance (m2/s2, black line) and SNR (blue line) for (a) 08:05 (b) 10:18, (c) 12:04 LST 9 May 2014 at corresponding voyage location, respectively, and the horizontal black dotted line and blue lines stand for MABL height retrieved from vertical velocity variance and SNR, respectively"
Profiles of vertical velocity variance (m2/s2, black line) and SNR (blue line) for (a) 08:05 (b) 10:18, (c) 12:04 LST 9 May 2014 at corresponding voyage location, respectively, and the horizontal black dotted line and blue lines stand for MABL height retrieved from vertical velocity variance and SNR, respectively"
(a) Vertical velocity variance profile obtained from lidar from 07:42 to 12:57 LST 9 May 2014 with corresponding sampling error bars without (black line) and with (blue line) correction for motion of the ship, the blue dashed line stands for the difference between corrected and uncorrected vertical velocity variance. (b) corresponding skewness profile, (c) corresponding kurtosis-3 profile"
(a) Vertical velocity variance profile obtained from lidar from 07:42 to 12:57 LST 9 May 2014 with corresponding sampling error bars without (black line) and with (blue line) correction for motion of the ship, the blue dashed line stands for the difference between corrected and uncorrected vertical velocity variance. (b) corresponding skewness profile, (c) corresponding kurtosis-3 profile"
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